Stroke Care
After a life-changing event we often think of our lives differently. The path you or a lived one were traveling along has suddenly been altered. When you or a family member have a stroke, there is greater risk for having another stroke or even a heart attack. With that in mind you’ll want to do everything you can to help keep another stroke or heart attack from being a part of you or your loved one’s future.
If you or a loved one has had a stroke, coming home from the hospital can be overwhelming. Concern and worry over how to manage with the limitations. Depending on the part of the brain that was affected, speech, movement, and memory may be impaired. HCS Home Care can help monitor you or your family members condition at home and better understand the recovery process after a stroke.
While you can’t change a family or personal history of stroke, many risk factors can be controlled such as smoking, being inactive or overweight, consuming a high-sodium (high-salt) diet or too much alcohol, high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol.
HCS Home Care can help you follow your doctor’s recommendations and enhance recovery from stroke at home. Our services include:
- Help with taking medications properly and monitoring their effects.
- Help make necessary modifications to diet to control blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight.
- Making the home safer based on specific limitations to prevent complications, such as falls, and recommending necessary resources, including things for the home that can make it safer and easier to get around.
- Providing speech therapy to improve the ability to speak and swallow, as well as aid with memory and comprehension
- Help with exercises and activities to maximize recovery at home
- Helping you or your loved one recognize the signs and symptoms that should prompt you to seek emergency care
Additional resources can be found at:
American Stroke Association
(a division of the American Heart Association)
1-888-4-STROKE (1-888-478-7653)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention 1-770-488-2424
National Aphasia Association
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
(a part of the National Institutes of Health)
National Stroke Association
American Dietetic Association